Other Payment Options

Protect Yourself with Proof of Insurance

If you have received a letter asking for proof of insurance, please send in your documentation as soon as possible.

Automotive Credit uses a system to track and monitor the insurance status of our contracts. The terms of our agreement require comprehensive and collision insurance for the life of the contract. Briefly, total loss protection insurance protects Automotive Credit from uninsured loss. Should your vehicle be totaled or lost, it does not cover you and is not a substitute for your traditional insurance.

Borrowers without proof of current insurance on file may have the cost of a total loss protection insurance policy added to their monthly payment.

Insurance Address

Automotive Credit Corporation
PO Box 2818
Sioux City, IA 51106
Toll Free Number: (800) 653-8812
Fax Number: (800) 709-4818

Upload Insurance Send Email

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the balance on my statement lower than the amount to pay off the account?
The Statement does not include the accrued daily interest. If you have any further questions, please contact our CSR team.
Why am I not receiving my billing statements?
It could be we don’t have your most current mailing address. Contact our CSR team at (248) 945-9300 to help you update the information.
Why is my balance not going down?
Making payments on or before your due date can help decrease the balance. Paying after your due date would accrue additional daily interest.
I accidently made a double payment/ I got charged twice, Can I get a refund?
Yes, you can. Please contact our CSR team to help assist you. Please note you would need to provide proof that all transactions have cleared your bank account.
How do I set up automatic payments/recurring on the account?
Contact our CSR team at (248) 945-9300 / (818) 751-2240 (en español) to help you enroll in our automatic payment services.
I paid off my vehicle, when will I receive the title? When will my credit reflect this? Will I receive a refund for over-payment?
Once ACC as processed your payment and completed our final audit (which can take up to two weeks depending on how the payment was made), ACC will provide you with a congratulatory paid in full letter, and refund of any money you paid above what was owed. Your title may be included with this letter in certain states, but if not, it will advise you of the next steps to obtain a clear title.

We report to the major credit bureaus twice a month and will report the payoff on that schedule. Consider all processing and mail time, please allow up to 4 weeks for everything to be completed properly.
How do I update my personal information example: Social Security, Maiden Name, Last Name?
Please contact our CSR Team at (248) 945-9300 / (818) 751-2240 (en español) for further instructions.
How do I update my billing address?
Contact our CSR team at (248) 945-9300 to help you update the information.
If the primary/co-borrower is deceased, what can I do?
Please contact our CSR Team at (248) 945-9300 / (818) 751-2240 (en español) for further details.
Who is the Lien holder on my title and what is their Information?
Automotive Credit (ACC)
26261 Evergreen Rd. Suite 300
Southfield, MI 48076
I have not received my title, plates, and/or registration documents for my newly purchased vehicle. What should I do?
Titling and Registration should be handled by the dealer you purchased the vehicle from. In most states, you will not receive a title until you payoff our account with us, but you should receive plates and registration within 1 – 3 months depending on the state. Please work with the dealership to ensure everything is signed, submitted and paid for. If the dealer is not being cooperative, please contact ACC and we can assist.
I moved to a new state and need to re-register my vehicle, what do I do?
The process varies from state to state, but in all cases, you need to initiate the process at the local Motor Vehicle agency for your new residence. The new state will ask for existing new title to which you need to inform them Automotive Credit Corporation is the lienholder and has the title. The agency will either send us a request, or provide you paperwork to provide us, as to where we need to send the title. In either case, the request can be sent to titles@automotivecredit.com or mailed to Automotive Credit, Attn: Titles, 26261 Evergreen Road, Suite 300, Southfield, MI 48076.
How can I update my insurance information?
You can provide your updated insurance declaration page to us by email at docsend@fmq.alliedsolutions.net, by fax at 800-709-4818, or you upload the documents using the website www.myinsuranceinfo.com. Please also make sure Automotive Credit is listed correctly as lienholder on your policy using our insurance address, P.O. Box 2818, Sioux City, IA 51106. If you have any questions about coverage, you call 1-800-653-8812 to discuss with our policy team.
What happens if I don’t have Insurance coverage? What is CPI insurance?
Automotive Credit may purchase a Collateral Protection Insurance (CPI) policy to cover damage to the vehicle in case of an accident or theft. The cost of this policy will be added to your account if you do not have your own coverage.
Will I receive an Insurance ID card from ACC when CPI is purchased?
You will receive a policy declaration page outlining coverages, but not ID Card. Insurance purchased by ACC is physical damage coverage only and will not meet any state requirements.
How does my insurance contact your claims department?
Call us at: (248) 945-9300 option 7 or Email – insurancesupport@automotivecredit.com
Do I still have to make my payment when my vehicle is totaled?
Yes, you are responsible until the contract is paid in full.
I received a check from my insurance company that has my name and ACC’s name on it. How do I cash it?
Please sign the back of the check and mail it to ACC with repair shop information. Once we verify repairs are completed by a licensed repair facility and verified, we will send the check directly to the shop.
I don’t want my vehicle anymore what should I do?
This is not an easy decision and one we want to make sure you understand all options and ramifications for. Please contact us at (248) 945-9300 to discuss.
My vehicle was repossessed, can I get the vehicle back? How much does it cost?
Automotive Credit understands that things happen and want to help you reinstate your contract after a repossession (248) 945-9300 option 6.
What happens if I don’t/can’t recover my vehicle after repossession?
Automotive Credit will recondition and sell the vehicle in an attempt to recover the balance owed, along with the fees incurred in securing and selling the vehicle. If we are not able to recover the full amount owed you will be notified of the amount, and will be responsible to pay the balance in full to avoid further collection activity.